This nine-minute video is both heartbreaking (because of the reality that so many people in our world are far from salvation in Christ) and hope-giving (because of the beautiful work of the Spirit in saving people and giving them vision and courage to spread the gospel). Please watch this video in order to catch a glimpse of the need, and to be encouraged by what God is doing already.
Here’s one thought I had: how very hard it is for believers in Nepal to get hold of good resources. In our country, where it’s incredibly easy, are we taking advantage of that opportunity and soaking ourselves in rich Christian teaching? Or are we frittering our time away on trivial pursuits that don’t strengthen us in God?
Oh God, strengthen your people in Nepal. Give them courage and tenacity. Give us courage and tenacity where we are, to have conversations with those all around us who don’t know Jesus. Thank you for the ministry of Desiring God and other Christian publishers who are spreading God-honoring content around the world. Thank you for our Nepalese brothers and sisters, who are encouraging and instructing us through their boldness and faithfulness.