Our family is just returning from a restful two weeks in my hometown of Monson, Maine that followed immediately after a one-week writing leave the PCF Elders granted me. It seems like a good time to reflect on that writing leave and let you know how it went. Many of you were praying for me while I wrote. Thank you! God heard and answered your prayers. I’ll excerpt from a report on my writing leave that I recently sent to the Elders.
It’s a grace from God that he has placed me in a church led by men who have a Kingdom vision for ministering to Christ’s church beyond PCF. This year, the Elders have given me two weeks to write. The first was in March, when I wrote a Knowing the Bible study guide on John 13–17 for Crossway Publishers. That manuscript has been submitted and awaits publication. The second week was from Monday, July 29 – Saturday, August 3, and I was working on a book of poems by the Anglican priest George Herbert, who lived from 1593 – 1633 and is considered one of the greatest devotional poets of all time. For the completed volume (also to be published by Crossway), I’ll provide an introduction, reading helps and devotional applications for 40 of Herbert’s poems, and a conclusion to help people know what else to read in order to benefit from more of Herbert’s work.
For my July 29 – August 3 leave, I connected with a retired ministry couple in Bradford, New Hampshire, who use their in-law apartment as a retreat for pastors (it’s called Forest Haven). From Monday – Saturday, I read and wrote an average of 10-12 hours/day. As with my writing leave in March, I experienced God’s strength, presence, and guidance. I believe he has gifted me to write, and being able to do so uninterrupted and for long hours at a time allows me to get into a flow I don’t experience when working an hour here and there. God often brought words and phrases to my mind and heart. One night I was writing at about 10.30pm and a phrase came into my mind that was so apt and delightful, I laughed out loud in the quiet apartment. I don’t know what level of impact this George Herbert book will have, but I was reminded of the words of my mentor, Keith Greer, that I’m responsible for the depth of my ministry, and I’m to leave its breadth to God.
I’ve now completed about 75% of the work on the book. I’m grateful to God for that! My prayer for this book is that people will come to know and appreciate George Herbert, and (more importantly) that they’ll come alive to the beauty and power of George Herbert’s God. Thank you for praying for this ministry of writing. Please continue to pray that God will give me strength and focus to complete the work, for his glory.