The brokenness and beauty of choosing life
I wish every single person I know could take a few minutes to read through the article/transcript I’m going to link to below, and then watch the 18-minute video at the bottom of the article.
I wish every single person I know could take a few minutes to read through the article/transcript I’m going to link to below, and then watch the 18-minute video at the bottom of the article.
Here’s a really helpful article from Trevin Wax of the The Gospel Coalition, about the spiritual practices that are common to children who wind up flourishing spiritually as Christian adults. It’s based on a new LifeWay research study. How important and valuable can you get?!
I’m excited to share something I’ve been working on with my good friends David Pinckney and Ben Ruhl for quite some time – a new initiative from The Gospel Coalition New England called Small Town Summits.
Our church doesn’t need to be large in order to treasure a big God, live from a big gospel, and love one another deeply. In fact, smallness might just be an advantage in fulfilling our vision.
One of the things I love about our church is the many people who cheerfully serve. My heart is full of thanks to God for each of you.
God has again opened a door of ministry for us as a church. From February – May 2018, I’ll be teaching a course on the Gospel of John at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (the course will be a few hours each week).
I said on Sunday that I cherish the Reformed understanding of God and salvation, the Calvinist understanding of God’s sovereignty.
’ve recently been feeding on truth from the good Richard Sibbes (1577 – 1635), known to his contemporaries as ‘the sweet dropper’ because of the encouraging gospel flavor of his teaching.
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