
Ways to Connect at PCF

Christian growth happens in Christian community. That’s why we provide many opportunities to connect with others at PCF. We would love for you to take advantage of the different ways listed below in which you can participate in life here at PCF.

LIFE Groups

Life Groups are a network of mixed-gendered groups for both married couples and singles that meet in homes in Pepperell and surrounding towns. Meeting on various nights of the week, Life Groups provide opportunities to study the Bible, deepen friendships, and serve on mission together, reaching out to our local community.

  • Life Groups are meeting weekly throughout Pepperell and surrounding towns (including in New Hampshire) 
  • Life Groups are currently on break for the summer.

Adult Education

Adult Education is interactive teaching for adults of all ages and meets at 10am on Sunday mornings in the front building. Led by gifted teachers, it is a great opportunity to receive biblical teaching and discuss God’s Word together.

  • Adult Education is on break for the summer. Join us in the fall!

Women's Ministry

Our women’s ministry offers two Bible study sessions during the fall and winter months. 

  • Our women’s Bible studies are on break for the summer.
  • You can join us for a one week Bible study for women during our Bibleventure week July 22nd-26th from 9am to 12pm. Nursery care is provided. Please RSVP on the Bibleventure sign up form available here.

Men's Minstry

There are various opportunities throughout the year for men to connect, such as breakfasts, hikes, and canoe trips. For more information, contact Christopher White.


The Christian life is an incredible adventure. It’s full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, successes and failures. Church membership expresses our desire to live this adventure together with other Christian brothers and sisters as part of a loving, Jesus-centered community. Being a Jesus-centered community is an awesome privilege and a demanding commitment. By entering into a membership community with one another, we’re pursuing both the joy and the sacrifice of being involved in each other’s lives. We do this because we believe that the more deeply we love each other the more we will advance our mission of displaying the worth of God to the world.

Christianity Explored

PCF hosts gatherings of Christianity Explored, a short course (seven weeks) for anyone interested in learning more about Christianity. To find out when our next Christianity Explored course will run, please contact Pastor Stephen Witmer.