Treasure the awesome gospel truth that, through faith in Christ, we can become children of God.
Listen to PCF sermons on Apple Podcast, Spotify and wherever you download your favorite podcasts.
Treasure the awesome gospel truth that, through faith in Christ, we can become children of God.
Sermons on why God loves life, and what we can do to treasure and promote it.
Explore the beauty of God’s plan to unite all peoples through Jesus Christ, and how this empowers us to pursue ethnic harmony in the present.
It is more blessed to give than to receive. Jesus lived this way. He invites us to join him.
The book of James call us to surrender all our plans to God.
The story of Christmas is as big as the Bible and all of history. Explore with us a biblical theology of five big Christmas themes.
Hear from a range of missionaries and guest preachers as they exposit God’s Word.
God’s people need protection from their enemies. Even more, they need the forgiveness and transformation provided by a Savior.
Wisdom is better than riches. Let’s pursue it that way.
Service Sunday Sermons.
Join as we witness the people of God returning to the place of God, at the initiative of God, for the worship of God.
Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday sermons celebrating King Jesus and his powerful resurrection.
Join us as we seek to grow in understanding how our secular age interprets the world and how we can effectively share and live out the better, richer story of God and his gospel.
Why and how to pray.
A journey through the Gospel of John.
The seven types of Psalms address the entire range of our human experience. Study and delight in each one.
Looking to Jesus at the Beginning of the Year.
Examine the biblical teaching on the virgin birth and exult in its implications for life.
He Does All He Pleases: Why the Sovereignty of God is Such Good News
Eat Your Greens: Four health-giving sermons on unpopular topics. Join us as we seek to understand why these topics, though sometimes difficult, are actually God’s good news for us.
Elisha’s remarkable ministry opens up fresh insights into Elisha’s remarkable God.
As we launch our Plant and Water giving initiative, we’re growing in our understanding of the church God calls us to be, and the kinds of churches God calls us to plant.
Join us as we search the Bible to understand the why and how of church-planting for the glory of God.
A Christmas Quartet – A Series of sermons featuring the Four Gospels
Marvel at the supremacy of Jesus Christ, and press on in persevering faith.
The Goodness of God at the Turning of the Year
Sermons on the marvel and mystery of Christmas.
Asking harder questions, finding better answers.
Discover the only true God and his magnificent plan to reach all nations and renew all creation.
Trusting God in the Time of Coronavirus.
Annual Leaders Training from Guest Presenters.
Sermons on God’s perfect Word. Read it. Memorize it. Delight in it.
As our new building nears completion, we’re laying some theological foundations for how to use it well.
Seven Bible promises to give us hope and help as we deal with seven common struggles.
Examine John 1-4 with us, and encounter Jesus afresh as we observe his conversations with five individuals.
A series on discerning what’s most important to God, what’s most important to us, and how our priorities can increasingly align with God’s.
Explore the importance of suffering and obedience, and the gain of future glory.
Encounter the One who combines diverse perfections.
Gospel partnership holds great pleasure for us and great promise for the world.
Celebrate the liberating power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
According to the Bible, single isn’t second best. Consider the beauty of a life lived singly for the glory of God.
In the magnificent story of Queen Esther, God’s hand is hidden but never hindered. Wonder afresh at his all-encompassing providence and his rock-solid promises.
Our church doesn’t need to be large in order to treasure a big God, live from a big gospel, and love one another deeply. In fact, smallness might just be an advantage in fulfilling our vision.
Advent 2017
Marvel at how God’s sovereign plan unfolds through the life of Jesus.
Sermons on biblical giving, and why it’s such good news for us.
We’re all busy, but all too often for all the wrong reasons. Let’s allow God to redeem our busyness.
On the 15th anniversary of 9/11, our community remembers and laments.
Building a Vision.
We’re invited into the joy of difference and unity in our relationships – the joy our triune God has enjoyed within Himself from all eternity.
God loves all peoples, and sends us to the nations with His gospel.
A sermon preached upon returning from Africa.
We all sin with our words. But there are good strategies for understanding and overcoming these sins of speech.
Follow the life and ministry of one of the greatest prophets who ever lived.
Learn the deep importance and wonderful effects of living a life of thanks.
Cultivate a thankful heart.
Triumphantly conquer by faithfully suffering with Jesus.
Find out what makes a strong and healthy church.
Find out what the gospel has to do with everyday living.
A sermon series on one of the greatest chapters of the Bible.
An exposition of 3 John.
What does the cross of Jesus Christ have to do with one of our greatest national tragedies?
Treasure the beauty of biblical wisdom. Learn to live more skillfully.
Why we love church membership, and what it looks like at PCF.
Life only makes sense when lived under God and his chosen king. See King Jesus in 1 Samuel.
Wrestle with some of the most difficult things Jesus ever said.
All sin is mainly sin against God. See why that matters so much.
Learn what the Bible says about Deacons, and what they do at PCF.
Sermons for our children and teens.
Marvel at God’s purpose in the universe: magnifying his glory by uniting all things under Christ.
See and savor the good news of Jesus Christ.
See God in the book of Acts. Make a lasting impact as you reflect His character.
Telling and delighting in the story of the whole Bible.
Pastor Stephen’s first four sermons at PCF.
17 Main Street
Pepperell, MA 01463
(978) 433-6360
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P.O. Box 192
Pepperell, MA 01463