Dear PCF,
This coming Sunday, we’ll hear, in Psalm 70, God’s call for us to pursue our joy in Him in 2022.
As one of your pastors, I see it as my job to ‘work with you for your joy’ (2 Corinthians 1.24). I want to do whatever I can to promote your satisfaction and delight in the greatest, most valuable being in the universe: God himself.
I’m excited that our friends at Desiring God are working with PCF for our joy. They’ve donated 225+ copies of John Piper’s book The Satisfied Soul (a collection of 120 daily devotional thoughts) to our congregation. That’s enough for every adult (and interested teen) who would like one. We’ll give them out this coming Sunday (and the following Sunday) after our services, or by request in the church office.
There’s nothing I’d like better than for this devotional book to stoke our joy by leading us deeper into daily times with God in the Bible and prayer.
Thank you to Desiring God for this hugely generous gift to our church family!
See you this Sunday,
Pastor Stephen