
I love these brothers, and these brothers love you

There are many things about Pepperell Christian Fellowship that fill my heart with joy and gratitude to God. One of them is the Elders with whom I get to partner in ministry. Today we enjoyed our annual PCF Elders’ Retreat – this one over Zoom for the first time ever. We read the Word together and got to know one another more deeply. We were guided through a series of Scripture passages and questions to help us care more for our own souls and the souls of others — thinking about reading and journaling, among other topics. And we prayed for each and every one of our PCF members by name. You should have heard those prayers. These men have been called by God to shepherd the flock at PCF, and they know you and love you. As you can see, we shared some laughs along the way. What a thrill to be part of such a team. Thank you, Lord

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