

Our staff leads and coordinates the day to day ministry of the church

Stephen Witmer

Lead Pastor

Stephen and his wife Emma live in Pepperell with their children: Samuel, Annie, and Henry. Stephen is a graduate of Wheaton College, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and the University of Cambridge. He serves as a Council member of The Gospel Coalition and helps to lead Small Town Summits. He writes regularly for Desiring God, and his books include Eternity Changes Everything; A Big Gospel in Small Places; and The Preachers’ Greek Companion to Hebrews.

Ben Mattson

Pastoral Resident

Ben Mattson lives in Pepperell with his wife Hannah, and their two children Tobias and Trinity. Ben and Hannah moved from Quincy, MA to Minneapolis, MN in 2019 for Ben to attend Bethlehem Seminary where he received his M.Div.. After the completion of Ben’s residency with PCF (late summer 2025), the Mattsons aim to serve in New England.

Teresa Bradbury


Teresa has been attending PCF since 2018. She grew up in the area and has hosted and lead various small group Bibles studies in her home and in the community. Teresa earned her MBA at Fitchburg State University and is excited to be serving as bookkeeper with PCF. Teresa lives in her hometown of Townsend with her husband John. They are blessed with 7 children and 6 grandchildren nearby.

Wendy Cummings


Wendy grew up in Indiana and has been in Pepperell since 1993 and with PCF since 2010. Aside from being the church custodian, she serves in the nursery and has directed Serenity Choir (bedside choir) since 2013. Wendy is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Boston with a B.A. in English and minor in Secondary Education and an M.A. in English Composition. A part time Personal Care Attendant for the disabled, Wendy lives at home with her husband Rod. They have two children on earth, Moriah and Kevin, and one in heaven, Joshua.


Our Elders lead and shepherd the church, and devote themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word

Andy Sweet

David Fenton

Jay Clark

Stephen Witmer


Our Deacons serve by meeting the physical and material needs of the church.

Anne Briner

Gavin Pryce Lewis

George Bearer

Jake Bronkema

Jon Rastas

Lisa Manley

Mary Ann Schunemann

Matthew Leger

Megan Clemons

Rod Cummings

Sandy Wright

Steve Poirier