PCF, thank you for allowing me to write articles and study guides and books to serve the broader church. During my week-long writing leave in March, I worked long, joyful hours and nearly completed a Crossway Knowing the Bible study guide on John 13–17. That week of writing was a sweet time for me, and reminded me of how I felt during my 2019 sabbatical while writing A Big Gospel in Small Places – excited, worshipful, fulfilled, doing what God wanted me to do. Since March, I’ve completed the manuscript for the study guide and it’s now with the publisher.
I’m thrilled to say that my next book will be a collection of poems by George Herbert! This one will also be with Crossway. If you know me, you’ll know that Herbert is my favorite poet and has helped me to know more of God. In this volume, I’ll choose 40-50 of his poems and include some gentle helps to allow modern readers to understand him clearly, together with brief devotional reflections to help us apply the truths we encounter. My hope and prayer is that this book will introduce a new generation of readers to Herbert’s work – and, more importantly, that it will lead readers to worship Herbert’s God.
Please pray for me as I dive into the writing this summer. I’ll have my second week of writing leave from July 29 – August 5 and would love your prayers as I think and worship and write.